Valentina Emilia Balas


1. V. E. Balas, M. M. Balas. Traffic Management by Constant Time to Collision, Ignac Lovrek, Robert J. Howlett and Lakhmi C. Jain (Eds.), Book: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, 12th International Conference, KES 2008, Zagreb, Croatia, September 3-5, 2008, Proceedings, Part III, LNAI 5179/2008, pp. 658-663, 2008, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-85566-8, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-85567-5_81,
2. V.E. Balas, M. M. Balas. A Survey on the Constant Time to Collision Techniques, Lotfi A. Zadeh, Dan Tufis, Florin Gheorghe Filip, Ioan Dzitac (eds.), From Natural Language to Soft Computing: New Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence , Editing House of Romanian Academy, ISBN:978-973-27-1678-6, 2008 , pag. 23-31.
3. M. M. Balas, V.E. Balas. World Knowledge for Controllers by Fuzzy-Interpolative Systems, Lotfi A. Zadeh, Dan Tufis, Florin Gheorghe Filip, Ioan Dzitac (eds.), From Natural Language to Soft Computing: New Paradigms in Artificial Intelligence , Editing House of Romanian Academy, ISBN:978-973-27-1678-6, 2008, pag.11-21.
4. M. M. Balas, Valentina E. Balas – Postmodernism and Control Engineering, Rudolf Seising (editor): Views on Fuzzy Sets and Systems from Different Perspective. Philosophy, Logic; Criticism and Applications, Vol. 243, ISBN 978-3-540-93801-9, Cap 18, pag. 377-390, 2009, DPLB (Computer Science Bibliograpy) indexed,
5. M. M. Balas, Valentina E. Balas – The Fuzzy Interpolative Control for Passive Greenhouses, H.-N. Teodorescu, J. Watada, and L.C. Jain (Eds.): Intelligent Systems and Technologies, SCI 217, Vol. 217, ISBN978-3-642-01884-8, pp. 219-231,2009,


1. M. Balas, V. Balas. Curs de Dispozitive Electronice. Editura Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, 2003, (126 pagini), ISBN 973-9361-83-8.
2. M. Balas, V. Balas. Dispozitive si Circuite Electronice – Indru¬mator de lucrari de labo¬ra¬tor. Editura Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, 2003, (55 pagini), ISBN 973-9361-38-2.

1. M. Balas, V. Balas. Dispozitiv de optimizare a functionarii iluminatului in vagoanele de calatori. Publicata in “Revista CFR” nr. 5/1993, pag. 20 – 22.
2. M. Balas, V. Balas, C. Alexandrescu. Some Remarks on the Fuzzy – PID Controllers. Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii “Politehnica ” din Timisoara, Proceedings of the Sympo¬sium on Electronics and Telecommunications “Etc.’98’, Vol II, Timisoara, sept. 17-18 1998, pag. 277-282, ISSN 1224-6034.
3. M. Balas, V. Balas, T. L., Dragomir. A preamble on the identification of the operating regimes of the controllers by the help of the phase trajectory. Electronic BUSEFAL ISSN 0296-3698. Busefal #87, LAMII / CESALP – Universite de Savoie, Annecy, France. Iunie 2002 Format electronic. Papers/
4. V. Balas, E. Roventa. T. Spircu. Weighted Fusion of Changes of Belief. CONTI 2004, The 6-th International Conference on Technical Informatics “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Faculty of Automation and Computers, 27-28 May 2004, Scientific Bulletin of “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, Vol.49(63), 2004, ISSN 1224-600X, pag. 105 – 110, Editura Politehnica.
5. C. Musca, V. Balas. Energy Saving by Euristic Control Rules in Greenhouses. Simpozionul cu participare internationala: “Cercetarea stiintifica o punte spre integrarea europeana”, Arad, 3-4 noiembrie 2004, Analele Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, Seria Textile, Fascicola: tehnologii textile, pag. 548 – 555, ISSN 1582-3431.
6. V. Balas, C. Barna, S. Balas. The Estimation of the Vegetation Stage of Greenhouse Plants by Fusioned Sensors of Images and CO2. Simpozionul cu participare internatio¬nala: “Cercetarea stiintifica o punte spre integrarea europeana”, Arad, 3-4 noiembrie 2004, Analele Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, Seria Textile, Fascicola: tehnologii textile, pag. 530 – 535, ISSN 1532-3431.
7. M. Balas, M. Ciugudean, V. Balas. Adaptive Fuzzy Interpolative Controllers and Applications. Revista de Inventica, Nr. 48, Vol IX, An XV, 2005, Romanian Journal for Creativity in Engineering and Technology – Research and Education Reports, Special Issue, Guest Editors: Horia-Nicolai Teodorescu, Seizaburo Arita, Zvetlana Cojocaru, Romanian Inventors Society, Iasi, ISSN 1210-3084, pag. 13-23.
8. M.M. Balas, V.E. Balas, D. V. Balas-Timar, L. R. Szantho. The Fuzzy-Interpolative Methodology in Soft Computing. WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 9, Volume 3, September 2006, ISSN 1790-0832, http:/, pg. 1625-1631. 2006.doc
9. I. Filip, O. Prostean, I. Szeidert, V. Balas, G. Prostean. Comparative Study Regarding an Adaptive Fuzzy Controller and a Self-Tuning Controller with Application to the Excita¬tion Control of a Synchronous Generator. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 7, Volume 5, July 2006, ISSN 1109-2777, http:/, pag. 1587-1994, http://www.
10. V. E. Balas,M. M. Balas. Observing Control Systems by Phase Trajectories of the Error. WSEAS Transactions on Systems, Issue 7, Volume 5, July 2006, ISSN 1109-2777, http:/, pag. 1717-1722,
11. M. M. Balas , V. E. Balas, S. V. Musca, C. Musca. Ecological Reconstruction Using Energetic Passive Greenhouses. RSEE, 6th International Conference on Renewable Sources and Environmental Electro-Technologies, 8 – 10 June 2006, Oradea , Romania, Computer Science And Control Systems Session pag. 265-270
12. A. Stoica, A. Tigan, A. Rugea, K. Drienovski, V. Balas. Development od a Computerized System of Irrigation for Helping Crops Grow, Scientific and Technical Bulletin, Series: Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2007, pag. 52-61, ISSN 1584-918X,
13. V.E. Balas, E. Roventa, T. Spircu. Fusion devices and changes of belief, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, Volume 19, Number 1 / 2008, Special Issue on Soft Computing and Applications, IOS Press, ISSN 1064-1246 (Print) 1875-8967 (Online), pp. 9-18,
14. V. E. Balas, M. M. Balas. Constant Time to Collision Platoons, Int. J. of Computers, Communications & Control, ISSN 1841-9836, E-ISSN 1841-9844, Vol. III (2008), Suppl. issue: Proceedings of ICCCC 2008, pp. 33-39, 15-17 Mai 2008 Oradea, Romania
15. M. M. Balas, V. E. Balas. World Knowledge for Control Application by Fuzzy-Interpolative Systems, Int. J. of Computers, Communications & Control, ISSN 1841-9836, E-ISSN 1841-9844, Vol. III (2008), Suppl. issue: Proceedings of ICCCC 2008, pp. 28-32, 15-17 Mai 2008 Oradea, Romania
16. Marius-Constantin O.S. Popescu, Onisifor V. Olaru, Valentina E. Balas, Identification of the De-synchronization, Synchronization and Forced Oscillation Phenomenon of a Nonlinear System INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES, Issue 1, Volume 3, 2009, ISSN: 1998-0140, pag. 123-132
17.Mehdi Roopaei1, Valentina Emilia Balas, Tsung-Chih Lin, Alireza Seifi, Adaptive gain fuzzy sliding mode control in uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems, Nonlinear Studies, Florida, USA, ISSN 1359- 8678 , Vol. 16, No. 3, 2009, pp. 261-273,
18. I. Szeidert, O. Prostean, N. Budisan, I. Filip, V. E. Balas, G. Prostean, Actual Situation and Perspectives on Wind Energy Usage in Banat Region, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on
SYSTEMS AND CONTROL , ISSN: 1991-8763, Issue 8, Volume 4, August 2009, pag. 369-372

1. M. Balas, V. Balas, V. Crisan. Dispozitiv de supraveghere selectiva si protectie a rete¬lelor trifazate cu nul izolat. Comunicata la “Sesinea jubiliara Oradea, mai, 1993” publicata in Analele Universitatii Oradea, 1993, sect. Electrotehnica.
2. M. Balas, V. Balas. Traductoare pt. masurarea vitezei vagoanelor realizate in Arad. Publicata in cadrul Ses. de Comunicari Stiintifice a Univ. “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, mai 1994 Sect. Material Rulant, pag. 65-68
3. M. Balas, V. Balas, I. Puie. Metoda de masurare automata a gradului de tasare al amestecurilor de formare crude. Publicata in cadrul Sesiunii de Comunicari Sti¬intifice a Univ. “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, mai 1994 sect. Stiinta si Tehnologia Materialelor, pag. 90-95.
4. M. Balas, V. Balas. Consideratii referitoare la structura invertoarelor pentru iluminatul fluorescent al mijloacelor de transport. Publicata in buletinul sesiunii de comunicari stiin¬tifice a cadrelor didactice, Acad. Navala “Mircea cel Batran”, Constanta, mai 1995, vol. ll pag. 543-546.
5. M. Balas, D.Stamboli, V. Balas. Structuri ale instalatiilor de co¬mand¬a a vagoanelor de calatori, rezultate din ultimele fise UIC. Publicata in cadrul Sesiunii de Comunicari Sti¬intifice a Univ. “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, mai 1996 sect. Material Rulant, Vol. 7, pag. 153-158, ISBN 973-97708-0-0.
6. B. Pancan, L. Savici, M. Balas, V. Balas, N. Dinca. Influenta agentilor de luciu asupra curbelor curent – tensiune la baile de nichelare lucioasa. Publicata in cadrul Sesiunii de Comunicari Sti¬intifice a Univ. “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, mai 1996 sect. Protectia mediului si protectia anticoroziva, Vol 11, pag. 167-172.
7. V. Balas, D. Sabaila. Modelul unui traductor inteligent pentru masurarea fara contact a latimii tesaturilor. Publicata in cadrul Sesiunii de Comunicari Sti¬intifice a Univ. “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, mai 1996, sect. Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatizari, pag. 266 – 271, ISBN 973-97708-0-0.
8. M. Balas, V. Balas. Modelarea matematica a unui vagon de calatori cu aer conditionat. Publicata in Lucrarile Sesiunii de Comunicari Stiintifice ale Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, Editia a IV-a, “25 de ani de invatamant tehnic superior aradean”, 30-31 octombrie 1997, Vol VIII – Electrotehnica, Electronica si Automatizari, pag. 359-368, ISBN 973-98365-8-5.
9. M. Balas, V. Balas, C. D. Caleanu. Regulatoare aplicabile in instalatiile de condi¬tio¬nare a aerului din vagoanele de calatori. Publicata in Lucrarile Sesiunii de Comunicari Stiintifice ale Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, Editia a IV-a, “25 de ani de invatamant tehnic superior aradean”, 30-31 octombrie 1997, Vol VIII – Electrotehnica, Electronica si Automatizari, pag.369-378, ISBN 973-98365-8-5.
10. M. Balas, V. Balas. Metode ale inteligentei artificiale aplicate in constructia vehiculelor moderne de cale ferata. Publicata in Lucrarile Sesiunii de Comunicari Stiintifice ale Uni¬versitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, Editia a IV-a, “25 de ani de invatamant tehnic superior aradean”, 30-31 octombrie 1997, Vol VIII – Electrotehnica, Electronica si Automatizari, pag.379-386.
11. V. Balas. The Computer Model of an Intelligent Speed Sensor for Railway Coaches. Publicata in cadrul celei de-a 5-a Conferinta internationala de Inginerie a Sistemelor Electrice Moderne, Universitatea din Oradea, Fascicola Electrotehnica, sesiunea C, mai 1999, Baile Felix, pag. 33 – 37, ISSN 1223-2106.
12. M. Balas, V. Balas. Autoadaptarea prin criteriul 2. Analele Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, octombrie 2000, Seria Electrica, Fascicola Electrotehnica, Electronica si Automatizari, pag. 51-54, ISSN 1582-3377
13. M. Balas, V. Balas, L. Jitaru. Un model pe calculator al franei disc pentru vagoanele de calatori. Analele Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, octombrie 2000, Seria Mecanica, Fascicola: Rezistenta Materialelor, Material Rulant de Cale Ferata, Fizica, pag. 5-12, ISSN 1582-3377.
14. V. Balas. Rolul de interfata simbolica a traductoarelor fuzzy. Analele Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad, octombrie 2000, Seria Electrica, Fascicola Electrotehnica, Electro¬nica si Automatizari, pag. 55-62, ISSN 1582-3377.
15. V. Balas, N. Matica. Biblioteca virtuala – teama si speranta, limite si posibilitati. Analele Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, octombrie 2000, Seria Teologie, Fascicola: Teologie si Stiinte Umaniste, pag. 146-153.
16. M. Balas, V. Balas, L. Foulloy, S. Gali¬chet. A model of the sliding Wheel During Brak¬ing. BOGIE 2001: The 5-th International Con¬fer¬ence on Railway Bogies and Running Gears, Budapest University of Tech¬nology and Economics, Department of Railway Vehicles, Sept. 2001, Budapest, Hungary.
17. V. Balas. A Fuzzy Fusion Sensor of the Speed of a Railway Car During the Sliding of the Wheels Including a Model of the ABS Braking Equipment .Thr 9 th International Con¬ference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge based Systems, IPMU2002, July 1-5 2002, Annecy, France, pag. 1979-1986.
18. V. Balas, M. Balas. The Real-Time Evaluation of the Adhesion by Internal Model. The 8th Mini Conference on Vehicle System Dynamics, Identification and Anomallies, 11-13 November, 2002, Budapest, Hungary, pag. 247-254.
19. M. Balas, V. Balas, L. S. Bocii, I. Radu. I. Koles. The Real Time Evaluation of the Weariness of trhe Disc Brake. The 8 Th Mini Conference on Vehicle System Dynamics, Identification and Anomallies, 11-13 November, 2002, Budapest, Hungary, pag. 241-246, ISBN 963 420 8177.
20. M. Balas, V. Balas. Utilitatea modelelor interne pentru vagoanele de calatori. Analele Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, Seria Electrica, Fascicola: Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatizari, Arad, 28-30 noiembrie 2002, Arad, pag. 19-26.
21. V. Balas, M. Balas. Senzor inteligent al aderentei roata-sina pentru vagoanele de calatori. Analele Universitatii “Aurel Vlaicu” din Arad, Seria Electrica, Fascicola: Electro¬tehnica, Electronica, Automatizari, Arad, 28-30 noiembrie 2002, pag. 27-34.
22. V. Balas. Deterministic Models in Sensors affected by Uncertainties. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncer¬tainty in Knowledge-based Systems, IPMU2004, Special Session “Uncertainty and Defuzzification”, July 4 – 9 2004, Perugia, Italy, Vol I, pp. 697-702.
23. M. Balas, V. Balas. The Family of Fuzzy Self Adaptive Interpolative Controllers. Inter¬national Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, IPMU2004, Special Session “Control”, July 4 – 9 2004, Perugia, Italy, Vol III, pp. 2119-2124.
24. R. E. Precup, S. Preitl, M. Balas, V. Balas. Fuzzy Controllers for Tire Slip Control in Anti-lock Braking Systems. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE ‚04, Budapest, 25-29 July 2004, Volume 3, pag. 1317 – 1322, Indexed by INIST-CNRS, Cote INIST: Y 38577(1), 35400013866828.2270, Indexed by IEE INSPEC IEEE CNF, INSPEC Accession Number: 8254425.
25. M. Balas, V. Balas, C. Barna, J. Duplaix, Gh. Gherman, R. E. Precup. The Real Time Estimation od the Weariness of the Wheels’ Tread for Railway Vehicles. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Railway Bogies and Running Gears, Budapest, Hun¬gary, 13-16 sept. 2004, edited by Prof. Istvan Zobory, Department of Railway Vehicles BME, Budapest, Hungary, ISBN 963-421-5750, pag. 387-392.
26. V. Balas, M. Balas. Consideratii asupra modelelor interne. “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Faculty of Engineering, Scientific and Technical Bulletin, Series: Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Vol. I, No.1, 2004, pag. 19-34, ISSN 1584-9198.
27. V. Balas. Railway vehicles’ diagnosis by internal models. Analele Universitatii din Oradea, Fascicula Electrotehnica, Sectiunea Stiinta Calculatoarelor si Sisteme de Control, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Sys¬tems EMES ’05, 26 – 28 May, 2005, Oradea, pag. 18-23, ISSN 1223-2106.
28. V. Balas, E. Roventa, T. Spircu.Fusion Devices and Changes of Belief. IEEE – SOFA 2005 Proceedings, IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, SOFA, 27-30 August, 2005, Szeged-Hungary & Arad-Romania, pag. 160-167, ISBN 963 219 001 7.
29. L.T.Koczy, M. Balas, M. Ciugudean, V.Balas, J. Botzheim. On the Interpolative Side of the Fuzzy Sets. IEEE – SOFA 2005 Proceedings, IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, SOFA, 27-30 August, 2005, Szeged-Hungary & Arad-Romania, pag. 17-23, ISBN 963 219 001 7.
30. M. Balas, V. Balas, C Barna. The Constant Effort Imposed Distance Braking for Urban Railway Vehicles. EUROCON 2005 – The International Conference “Computer as a Tool”, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro, November 21-24, 2005, IEEE Catalog Number: 05EX1255C. ISBN: 1-4244-0050-3, pag. 365-368, Indexed by IEE INSPEC IEEE CNF.
31. V. E. Balas, M. M. Balas. The Identification of the Operating Regimes of the Control¬lers using the Phase Trajectory of the Error. The 7th WSEAS International Conference on AUTOMATION & INFORMATION (ICAI’06), Cavtat, Croatia, June 12-14, 2006, ISSN: 1790-5109, ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 960-8457-46-7, pag. 101-104.
32. M. M. Balas, V. E. Balas, D. V. Balas Timar, L. R. Szantho. The Fuzzy-Interpolative Concept Applied In Soft Computing. The 7th WSEAS International Conference on Auto¬mation and Information (ICAI’06), Cavtat, Croatia, June 12-14, 2006, ISSN: 1790-5109, ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 960-8457-46-7, pag.95-100.
33. I. Filip, O. Prostean, I. Saeidert, V. E. Balas,G. Prostean. Adaptive Fuzzy Controller and Adaptive Self-Tuning Controller: Comparative Analysis for the Excitation Control of a Synchronous Generator. The 7th WSEAS International Conference on Automation and Information (ICAI’06), Cavtat, Croatia, June 12-14, 2006 , ISSN: 1790-5109, ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 960-8457-46-7, pag. 89-94.
34. M. M. Balas, V. E. Balas. Optimising the Distance-Gap Between Cars by Fuzzy-Interpolative Control with Time to Collision Planning. ICM 2006, IEEE Conference on Mechatronics, Budapest, Hungary, July 3-5, 2006, pag. 215-218, IEEE Catalog Number of printed proceedings06EX1432, ISBN 1-4244-9712-6, Indexed by IEE INSPEC IEEE CNF, INSPEC Accession Number: 9157024, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ICMEH.2006.252527.
35. M. M. Balas, V. E. Balas. Another Possible Way towards the Intelligent Nano-Sys¬tems: the Fuzzy-Interpolative. The 11th IPMU International Conference, July 2-7, 2006, Paris, France, pp. 2135-2141, Editions EDK, Paris, 2006, ISBN: 2-84254-112-X.
36. I. Filip, O. Prostean, V. E. Balas, G. Prostean. Design and Simulation of a Neural Controller for Excitation Control of a Synchronous Generator. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Soft Computing – RASC 2006, Canterbury, 10-12 July, 2006, UK, Editor Konstantinos Sirlantzis, Department of Electron¬ics, pp. 361-366, ISBN: 978-1-902671-43-7, 1-902671-43-0.
37. M. M. Balas, V. E. Balas, T. L. Dragomir. On the Switching Controllers’ Issue and Smooth Controller Switching by Phase Trajectory Qualitative Analysis. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Soft Computing – RASC 2006, Can¬terbury, 10-12 July, 2006, UK, Editor Konstantinos Sirlantzis, Department of Electronics, pp. 367-374, ISBN: 978-1-902671-43-7, 1-902671-43-0.
38. V. E. Balas, M. Costin, D. V. Balas-Timar. Automatic Voice Emotional Evaluation. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Soft Computing – RASC 2006, Canterbury, 10-12 July, 2006, UK, Editor Konstantinos Sirlantzis, Department of Electronics, pp. 471-476, ISBN: 978-1-902671-43-7, 1-902671-43-0.
39. V. E. Balas, M. M. Balas. Driver Assisting by Inverse Time to Collision. WAC 2006, July 24-27 2006, Budapest, Hungary, IEEE Catalog Number: 06EX1486, ISBN 1-889335.
40. V. E. Balas, M. Costin. On Stability of Fuzzy Systems. International Symposium Research and Education in Innovation Era, Section 3, Engineering Processes and Technology, Electrical, Arad, 16-18 November 2006, pag. 459-466, ISBN: 9978-973-752-110-1
41. V. E. Balas, D. Cosma. Fuzzy Logic in Instrumentation, International Symposium Research and Education in Innovation Era, Section 3, Engineering Processes and Technology, Electrical, Arad, 16-18 November 2006, pag. 445-458, ISBN: 9978-973-752-110-1
42. M. Costin, V. E. Balas. Some important Speaker Recognition Clues, International Symposium Research and Education in Innovation Era, Section 3, Engineering Processes and Technology, Electrical, Arad, 16-18 November 2006, pag. 467-488, ISBN: 9978-973-752-110-1
43. V. E. Balas, M. M. Balas. Switching Adaptive Correctors for Fuzzy Fusion Self-Adapted Interpolative Controllers. ISCIII’07 3rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Proceedings, March 28-30, 2007, Agadir, Morocco, pag. 67-72, IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1756, ISBN: 1-4244-1157-2,
Library of Congress: 2007923135, Indexed by IEE INSPEC IEEE CNF, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ISCIII.2007.367364
44. M. M. Balas, V. E. Balas. Some Observations on Stability of Switching Adaptive Rule Based of Fuzzy Self-Adapted Interpolative Controllers. ISCIII’07 3rd International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Proceedings, March 28-30, 2007, Agadir, Morocco, pag. 63-66, IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1756, ISBN: 1-4244-1157-2,
Library of Congress: 2007923135, Indexed by IEE INSPEC IEEE CNF, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ISCIII.2007.367364
45. M. Babescu, I. Filip, V. E. Balas, O. Prostean, C. Vasar. Considerations regarding the Control of a Mixed Genset based on the usage of Synchronous and Asynchronous Generador. Proceedings of the 2nd IASME/WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT, Portoz (Portorose), Slovenia, May 15-17, 2007, pag.123-128, ISSN 1790-5095, ISBN 978-960-8457-69-0
46. N. Budisan, I. Filip, V. E. Balas, G. Prostean, I. Szeidert. Considerations regarding the Induction Generator’s Compound Excitation. Proceedings of the 2nd IASME/WSEAS International Conference on ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT, Portoz (Portorose), Slovenia, May 15-17, 2007, pag.140-146, ISSN 1790-5095, ISBN 978-960-8457-69-0
47. M. M. Balas, V. E. Balas, J. Duplaix. Optimizing the Distance-Gap between Cars by Constant Time to Collision Planning. 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, June 4-7 2007, Vigo, Spain, pag. 109 Abstract Book, CD Proceedings, pag. 304-309, IEEE Catalog Number: 07TH8928C, ISBN: 1-4244-0755-9 Library of Congress: 2006935487
48. M. M. Balas, V. E. Balas. World Knowledge for Control Applications. INES 2007 Proceedings, 29 June-1 July, 2007, Budapest, Hungary, 11th Internacional Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, pag. 225-228, IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1751, ISBN: 1-4244-1147-5, Library of Congreso: 2007922965
49. D. Balas-Timar, V. E. Balas, Decision Making in Human Resources Selection Methodology, 2nd IEEE Internacional Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, 21-23 August 2007, Gyula-Hungary, Oradea-Romania, pp. 123-127, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP0728D
50.V. E. Balas, M. M. Balas, Postmodernism and Control Engineering, Martin Štepnièka, Vilém Novák, Ulrich Bodenhofer (eds.): New Dimensions in Fuzzy Logic and Related Technologies. Proceedings of the 5th EUSFLAT Conference, Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 11-14, 2007.New Dimensions in Fuzzy Logic and Related Technologies Proceedings of the 5th EUSFLAT Conference (European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology), Volume I, Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 11-14, 2007, p. 425-428
51. M. M. Balas, V. E. Balas, A Simple Model of the Air Conditioning Installation of a Compartmented Railway Coach, ICCC 2007, Proceedings, 5th IEEE Internacional Conference on Computational Cybernetics, Gammart, Tunisia, October 19-21, 2007, pp. 271-274, IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1750C, ISBN: 1-4244-1146-7
52. V. E. Balas, M. M. Balas, M.V. Putin-Racovita, Passive Greenhouses and Ecological Reconstruction, INES 2008, 12th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, February 25-29, Miami, Florida, USA, pp.77-81, IEEE Catalog Number: CFP08IES-CDR, ISBN: 978-1-4244-2083-4
53. Dana Balas-Timar, V. E. Balas. Fuzzy Tailored Test, Proceedings of the 19th Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference, MAICS, April 12-13 2008, Cincinnati, USA, pp. 150-155
54.V. E. Balas, M.M. Balas. Knowledge Engineering and Practical Applications at “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, Book of Abstracts, VIPSI – 2008 Opatija, Croatia, April 3-6, 2008, International Conferences on Advances in the Internet, Processing, Systems and Interdisciplinarity Research, ISBN:86-7466-117-3, pag. 18
55. V. E. Balas, M. M. Balas. Assisting the Drivers by Means of the Constant Time to Collision Criterion, 12th Internacional Conference IPMU 08, Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, June 22-27, 2008, Malaga, Spain, pp. 946-951, L. Magdalena, M. Ojeda-Aciego, J.L. Verdegay (eds), ISBN: 978-84-612-3061-7
56. D. Balas-Timar, V. E. Balas. Ability Estimation and Emotional Feed-back in Fuzzy Tailored Tests, 5th European Conference on Intelligent Systems and Technologies, ECIT 2008, 10-12 July, 2008, Iasi, Romania, CD – ISBN 9789737304971
57. V. E. Balas, M. M. Balas. The Educational Aspect of the Fuzzy-Interpolative Systems, 7th Internacional Conference on Global Research and Education in New Methods in Education, Inter-academia, 15-18 September, 2008, Pecs, Hungary, ISBN 978-963-420-963-8, pag. 31-34
58. V. E. Balas, A. V. Stoica, A. L. Rugea. Automatic Library Assistant, Distance Learning, Multimedia and Video Technologies, Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on
(DIWEB ’08), ISSN: 1790-5109, ISBN: 978-960-474-005-5Santander, Cantabria, Spain, September 23-25, 2008, pag. 185-190
59. V.E. Balas, M. M. Balas. On the Switching Control, Proceedings of the Bio-Inspired Computational Methods Used for Difficult Problems Solving. Development of Intelligent and Complex Systems, BICS 2008, 5-7 November 2008, Tîrgu Mureş, Romania, Romanian Academy, Bucharest and Petru Maior University Tg. Mures, Editors: Călin Enăchescu, Barna Iantovics, Florin Gheorghe Filip, Editura Universităţii Petru Maior , ISSN 2065-0418, pag. 108-113
60. V. E. Balas. The traffic Control by Constant Time to Collision Platoons, 11th Mini Conference on Vehicle System Dynamics, Identification and Anomalies, VSDIA, 11-12 November 2008, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, (to appear)
61. V. E. Balas, M. M. Balas. Modeling the Longitudinal Motion of an Aircraft, Proceedings of the International Symposium Research and Education in Innovation Era, 2nd Edition, November 20-21, 2008, Arad, Romania, Engineering Sciences, pag. 385-391, ISSN 2065 2569
62. V.E Balas, Fuzzy Techniques and Internal Models for Sensors, Recent Advances in Fuzzy Systems, Proceedings of the 10th WSEAS International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FS ’09), Prague, Czech Republic, March 23-25, 2009, pag.13-17, ISBN: 978-960-474-066-6
63. Mehdi Roopaei, Valentina Emilia Balas, Adaptive Gain Sliding Mode Control in Uncertain MIMO Systems, 3rd International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, SOFA2009, 29 July – 1 August 2009, Szeged (Hungary) – Arad (Romania), IEEE Catalog Number CFP0928D-PRT, ISBN 978-1-4244-5054-1, Library of Congress: 2009907136, pag. 75-79.
64. V. E, Bălaş, V. Ceregan, A. Codrean, T. L. Dragomir, Extension of a Control Structure with PSAIC, 3rd International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, SOFA2009, 29 July – 1 August 2009, Szeged (Hungary) – Arad (Romania), IEEE Catalog Number CFP0928D-PRT, ISBN 978-1-4244-5054-1, Library of Congress: 2009907136, pag. 81-84.
65. Marius-Constantin Popescu, Valentina E. Balas, Liliana Popescu, Heating Monitored and Optimal Control of Electric Drives, 3rd International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, SOFA2009, 29 July – 1 August 2009, Szeged (Hungary) – Arad (Romania), IEEE Catalog Number CFP0928D-PRT, ISBN 978-1-4244-5054-1, Library of Congress: 2009907136, pag. 149-154
